Here goes nothing.....
He was arrogant, foolish and self obsessed.
Drawsco could see it from far above in the clouds. The vanity that quaffed off of that narcissistic knights, blonde head! That same knight that had tried to slay him only days before, but had foolishly underestimated his adversary! The stupid man thought he could slay a dragon with a man made sword!!
Drawsco snarled at the thought!
As if a meager man could defeat an all powerful fire breathing dragon!
A Dragon that could kill him easily with out even realizing it.
It would be an accident! All a poor dragon would have to do is step on one of those small helpless humans! If he sat down without looking he may indeed sit a pone one of them!
At that thought Drawsco chuckled to himself; hehehehe; he wouldn't mind sitting on that broot!
Backing up and squishing that big head and maybe even farting as he sat down!
It would be a fitting way for that human to leave this world!
Drawsco took a deep breath and exalted steam through clenched teeth.
He would not let that beast of a man turn him into a tierent, who day dreams about death!
As he arced and circled the town below him one last time before heading toward his home he noticed a human female.
This woman was dressed like a man; trousers and a louse fitting shirt. She walked with purpose and determination and he could clearly see that the other females could not walk as fast as this one! Those "Core-setting dresses" that he had heard about, must slow the woman down. Must make finding a mate easier. Why other then per-curing a mate would the females suffer themselves to be tied up and plumbed with fabric? He had heard that the fabric did not increase their taste or texture so it must be for mating!
The unusual woman crossed the stone court yard and marched up to the arrogant knight as if she was angry.
Drawsco dove slightly to get a better view of the scene.
The arrogant knight Smiled broadly as the woman walked up but promptly was given a slap to the face!
Drawsco was quiet amused with this!
That human female, may in fact be his favorite human ever!
The knight took only seconds to recover before grabbing the woman's arm and shaking her without regard. He was angry and embarrassed to have a woman assault him in public!
Even Drawsco could see his red cheek and angered eyes.
The knight shook the woman in his arms and then slammed her to the ground with force.
As the female fell forward she braced herself with her arms but Drawsco could see her head hit the ground. She seemed to go limp but that did not stop the cold hearted knight from continuing his assault!
he began to kick the woman in the side repeatedly. Yelling and spitting a pone the woman.
Drawsco may not respect humans but, he was taught from his egg, that you do not breath fire at a dragon when he is down. Humans must have some respect for their own species. Some moral code that would step in at a time like this.
Sure dragons were barbaric at times but they had rules!
The same rule must apply to humans and other creatures as well!
But what could he: a 2 ton emerald scaled dragon, do for a human female??
Flying over the town was a close to it as Drawsco had ever dared! The humans had hunted his nest and many of his kind unto death.
But he could not just fly on by and let unjust behavior prevail.
The decision was made! He would intervene!
Drawsco turned his nose into a steep dive and tucked in his massive wings.
Miles above the earth he let out a massive snarl that stopped the knight mid kick.
The knight turned his face toward the sky, the anger that had been visible seconds before was now replaced with startling fear.
The knight righted himself and found his sword as he fled from the middle of the court yard. leaving the female on the ground, bloody and unconscious.
Drawsco spread his wings before impact, giving himself just enough lift to put him down with a giant 'THUD'. He let a stream of fire fly in the direction of the knight, who was cowering behind what looked to be a holding area for cattle.
Drawsco took two steps toward the woman who looked to be starting to stir. As he got closer the knight realized Drawsco's intended target. Seeing the woman in parole helped the knight to change into the gallant hero he was meant to be.
Except he did not realize he was playing the villain.
Drawsco nudged the woman with his nose.
unsure how to carry the woman to safety with out accidentally squishing her he faltered.
How would he get the woman out of this area with out ending her life or maiming her.
He chose to lift her with his claws.
As carefully as possible Drawsco proceeded to life the woman as he stretched out his wings for take off. The knight started to use his little man made sword to stab at the dragons massive front left leg, while the right held the helpless female. Drawsco barely felt the intrusion but was glad he did because he had almost stepped on the knight, he wanted to save a life here not take one!
Drawsco's powerful wings lifted him and his ward into the safe sky's.
He felt the wind beneath his wings as they soared higher into the heavens.
He would keep her safe! Safe from that barbaric knight, safe from himself, and safe from the world.....
Safe high in the sky!
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