Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cloud nine

Today I have the day off and am bored out of my mind! 
I didn't realize how much I don't have to do when I don't have a house to clean, friends to visit or family to see. I washed, dried, folded and put away all my laundry.  I cleaned out the car, meaning vacuumed every crevasse, Lysol wiped every piece, washed the windows inside and out and cleaned it out. Then I setup my electrical and gas for my new apartment, went for a walk, and came back and had lunch... What the heck do I do with the rest of my day? 
So I called my Aunt Lynn, much over due!
Had an splendid chat which lasted a half hour..
Again what do I do with the rest of my day?

Jane (the host with the most!) suggested I go swimming and relax...
So she opened up the pool, turned on the entertainment system (that goes through the entire house and the back yard) to some music I would like and left me to swim. 

I did laps, splashed around but got bored pretty quickly. Swimming by yourself is really not as fun as it sounds. (And it really didn't sound all that amusing)
I got out a pool chair and soaked up some rays. Looking up at the blue sky through my sunglasses I started to pick out shapes, animals, and objects out of the clouds. 
The last time I did this I was 15, laying on the trampoline in my backyard, next to my best friend who lived next door.  
Wow has life changed since then. 
I thought about how different things are and how different I am. 
The hopes and dreams I had then are nothing like the ones I have now. 
I don't want to be a teacher, or marry my best friend and have a dozen kids. Stay home and be a adorable Mormon house wife that is overly crafty and serves in the young woman's. 
I want to make my mark on this company, on this town and eventually this country. I'm starting to realize ambition is good and life isn't about hopes but ambition and drive to turn hopes into reality.  I can do hard things and I enjoy doing them! 
I still hope for those beautiful babies someday but honestly I know there are other things for me to do first. And I'm not sure being a stay at home mom will be enough for me anymore. 
Only time will tell but the future is fluid and I look forward to what it has to bring for me :)

Have a beautiful day!!

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